Wellness Services
Regardless of the condition you have, there are always natural alternatives. While these natural alternatives are not a means of treating the disease they are designed to address the underlying factors that contribute to disease. The primary focus of natural alternatives is to remove interference and allow the power within the body to take care of the body.
Upper Cervical Care is a unique alternative health care solution. This gentle, non-invasive technique was developed more than one hundred years ago to create a radical new way of healing that can help restore body balance and perfect health. The focus is on removing upper cervical spinal misalignments that cause interference or blockages in communication between the brain and the body. These misalignments are called vertebral subluxations, and can be caused by physical, chemical, and emotional stress. If left unchecked, vertebral subluxations may eventually lead to numerous conditions in all areas of the body, such as high blood pressure, vertigo, migraines, shoulder pain, low back pain, allergies, ear infections, acid reflux, carpal tunnel, parasthesia, tinnitus, trigeminal neuralgia, Meniere’s disease, and more.
The focus of the upper cervical work is the relationship between the upper cervical spine (neck) and its influence on the central nervous system and brain stem function. It is this relationship that affects every aspect of human function from the feeling sensations in your fingers to regulating hormones, controlling movement, and providing the ability to hear, see, think, and breathe.
We focus on the cause of your condition and not the symptom itself. Upper Cervical Care is based on the universal law of cause and effect. For every effect or symptom (physical or mental), there must be a cause. Upper Cervical doctors focus their efforts on locating and removing interference to the nerve system. Removing this interference can allow the body to heal itself naturally without the use of potentially harmful drugs or surgery.
In most cases, you will not feel the vertebral subluxation in your upper cervical spine which is why it’s so important to have spine examined. For more information or to schedule a consultation call us at 516-742-5715.

“No More Backaches and Dizziness!
Before I came to Advanced Holistic Health Care, I had backaches and dizziness for many years, especially when I sat. I couldn’t move as much as I wanted and was very worried. Since I started care here my backaches have gone away and my mobility is much better. I am much happier in all areas of my life and have a different perspective of everything. I have been overly impressed with DR tom and the courteous staff here. I learned that the power to heal was within me. I am retired now but since I feel better I am able to sing, preach, and teach the gospel. AHH has also helped me come off 2 medications.”
-Arthur E.
Scientific studies have shown that a loss in the curve of your neck is a major causative factor in all disease.
A normal healthy posture when viewed from the side should reveal a position where the ear is balanced over the shoulder and the neck maintains a forward curved position. The normal neck curve is commonly reduced or altered due to trauma or poor postural habits. To return the neck curve toward a normal healthy position it is necessary to realign the spine, strengthen the muscles in the back of the neck and to stretch the damaged ligaments of the neck. We correct the spine just like braces correct teeth.
Only an x-ray can detect proper alignment or misalignment of the curves in your spine.
Linda was a hospital administrator who entered the office after more than a year of daily headaches and increasing numbness, tingling, and progressive muscle weakness in her hands. Her medical care consisted of 3 medications and surgery on the horizon. No x-rays were taken!
In her first x-ray, we can see a reversed cervical curve, large bone spurs at C4-5, and only 3mm of disc space remaining. This is stretching her spinal cord and literally choking the life out of her C4-5 nerves (to her arms and hands). By the 3rd month of her care, Linda had been adjusted and completed cervical extension traction 3 times per week in the office, and even though all of her symptoms were gone, her curve was only 20-25% corrected. The last film in this series shows almost 100% correction after 15 months. Her C4-5 disc is now 8mm and regenerating! …and to think that her C4 & 5 vertebrea would have fused within the next 5 years!

NET is a mind-body stress-reduction technique that uses a methodology of finding and removing neurological imbalances related to the physiology of unresolved stress. NET is a tool that helps improve mental and physical health. NET uses the Home Run Formula model as a way of categorizing health into four general areas. This model provides the practitioner with an innovative, yet time-proven method of analyzing and helping patients.
By using the power of The Home Run Formula, practitioners can confidently address and effectively help the different factors that can be the cause of their patient’s health concerns.
1) 1st base represents emotional or stress-related factors, and NET is one of the approaches used to help patients.
2) 2nd base represents the effects of toxins on the body (things that are in the body and should not be there).
3) 3rd base represents biochemistry or the nutrition factor of health (things that should be in the body and may be less than adequate). Diet and specific nutritional support may need to be addressed.
4) 4th base represents structural and physical corrections. This factor is addressed relative to the practitioner’s field of expertise.

B.E.S.T. is a non-forceful, energy balancing hands on procedure used to help reestablish the full healing potential of the body. Understanding the body makes no mistakes regarding health and longevity, B.E.S.T. principles acknowledge the concept of Interference we create with our conscious mind. This Interference causes imbalance in the autonomic nerve system leading to exhaustion of our organ systems over time.
Emotional B.E.S.T. utilizes advanced technology developed to update higher brain interference from expression in the physical body. When emotional thoughts such as worry, guilt, fear, judgment, to name just a few, become the overriding factor in our memory patterns, interference with the divine plan for our perfect health and wellness becomes the norm. This interference, formulated by conscious thought which in turn becomes a pattern, prevents the true expression of our physical bodies healing capability. Emotional B.E.S.T. is an advanced procedure to help identify this emotional pattern, update the interference, and then allow the body to function based on current situations rather than past experiences.
By using the power of The Home Run Formula, practitioners can confidently address and effectively help the different factors that can be the cause of their patient’s health concerns.