Our bodies were designed to heal and express health; it is the way God created us. He put a power within us that science calls innate intelligence to operate and heal us. However, there are certain factors that can interfere with that process, leading to sickness, disease, and symptoms (such as pain, headaches, indigestion, etc.). These factors include a breakdown in communication between the brain and body. Here at Advanced Holistic Health Care, we have a comprehensive approach that will identify and address these factors so you can rebuild your health and prevent disease. We start by utilizing cutting edge technology to detect the hidden cause of your health concerns. What makes us different from most doctors is that we focus on correcting the cause of your health concerns instead of merely treating the symptoms or masking the problems. If you are looking for a natural approach, we can help.
Schedule a consultation now by calling 516-742-5715. We look forward to serving you.
New Patients
A “WOW’ experience unlike almost any other health care facility you will ever visit.
Utilizing revolutionary computerized technology we will detect the hidden causes(s) of your health problems and the techniques we offer to make you healthy again.
Natural Alternatives
Research articles and testimonials related to specific health concerns.
Meet the team

CEO & Founder:
Dr. Ray is a health and wellness expert, in practice for over 20 years, and has helped over 20,000 patients become healthy without drugs or surgery. He has also educated businesses, corporations, and organizations such as Verizon, Keyspan, First Allied Mortgage, Laffer Associates Realty, and many others about leading a healthy lifestyle.
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Our Patients Say
Disclaimer: Advanced Holistic Health Care makes no claim to treat, diagnose or cure any disease. It is our philosophy that only the innate intelligence within a human body can restore function within it. Our job is to free that power within, so that the individual may have the best possibility to get well.

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